Friday, June 09, 2006

College Tuition Rising again in Wisconsin

Currently working people have a greater connection to the DOJ than the DOE, thus it takes no genius to forecast what the future of our state holds. I guess it would be good to suggest to all of our children not only save for retirement but for personnel security.
I have a suggestion for administration, go out into the community and ask several working people what they think of their university. You will get a reply of apathy or outright hostility. The apathy stems from the unavailability of any connection to the university, and the hostility comes from a recent university graduate laying them off, downsizing them, driving their company into the ground or firing them. It is quite simple; the elitist label that the university system has tried to outgrow is being firmly attached with the ever-increasing cost of education.
At UW Oshkosh there is very little empathy from students towards the poor. I do not blame them; if one grows up and is surrounded by other white wealthy people it follows that there is no empathy for what is like to be poor and living in the US. I suppose it is easier to educate children of families that benefit from the status quo, than children that do not. Kids who benefit from the status quo are less likely to question the system as it currently functions. Children who do not benefit from the status quo will have a few bones to pick with the establishment making them a little more difficult to handle. So keep jacking up tuition, send kids off to prison or war, then do not be surprised when it comes back to bite society in the ass.

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